Vaccine against Equine Influenza (Horse Flu), Equine Rhinopneumonitis and Tetanus. With nonspecific immunostimulant.
Maximum protection in respiratory pathologies and tetanus. The antigens incorporated in the exclusive adjuvant with immunostimulant (Inmunomiq), added to the molecular controls carried out on the viral strains, maximize the prevention of equine respiratory diseases and act as an optimal non-specific booster of defenses.
Equines in transit through the country: 1 dose every three months. Equines used in rural tasks: 1 dose every 6 months or according to professional criteria. This product can be used in pregnant mares to increase levels of colostral immunity.
Bottle containing 10 ml / 5 doses
Inactivated Equine Influenza Viruses Updated Viral Strains; Equine Herpes Virus 1, Equine Herpes Virus 4 and tetanus toxoid; Preservatives: Metorgan and Gentamicin. Adjuvant: Aluminum Gel and Inmunomiq.